1·Includes fast rise-time video.
2·Imogen is a newcomer making a fast rise in Hollywood.
3·It marked a new wave, the app movement, which in turn has fueled the fast rise of social technologies.
4·Consequently, the fast rise in number of foreign tourists may eventually lead to the decline of local tourism.
5·The key of Ultra-wideband(UWB) technology lies in how to generate the fast rise-time and short-duration pulse.
超宽带(UW B)技术实现的关键之一是如何设计并产生可以控制的UW B极窄脉冲。
6·The desired fast rise of the gradient magnetic filed is suppressed by the eddy currents so that the imaging process is affected.
7·Other features include a short propagation delay of 28 ns (typical), fast rise and fall times, and supply rail under-voltage lockout.
8·The low voltage burden (V1) and corresponding fast rise time are achieved by the high gain op amp, which forces V1 to be nearly zero.
9·Pulse power with fast rise time technology was applied in many fields such as nuclear physics, electron beam, accelerator, laser, HPM etc.
10·But simultaneously also has caused the house price fast rise, the real estate price question becomes social the hot topic, the argument is unceasing.